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Tony Nimeh, MD


Clinical Specialties

Dr. Tony Nimeh: Board Certified Urologist and Prostate Specialist

Dr. Nimeh comes from a long tradition of physicians and surgeons. Among his uncles, aunts and cousins are family physicians, cardiac surgeons, general surgeons, obstetricians, pediatricians and radiologists.

He discovered his passion for urology while rotating on service at McGill University in Canada; and trained in surgery and urology at Harvard Medical School, University of Illinois in Chicago, and The University of Minnesota.

Over the past 5 years Dr. Nimeh has made multiple contributions to the medical field including 36 publications and 20 presentations in respected journals and international conferences. He is also an inventor and is always eager to find new solutions to help his patients: he has authored 3 patents bringing new innovations to the field of urology.

Outside of Men's Health Alaska, Dr. Nimeh has been passionate about the outdoors since his childhood on the ski slopes of Montreal, Canada. He loves winter and summer sports, and exploring nature. Dr. Nimeh is also a passionate musician: he began playing the piano at the age of 4 and has played at major concert venues in Canada. He enjoys composing classical music and has conducted his own piano concerto in Marianopolis College in Montreal.

Medical Education & Surgical Training

Facility Credentialing

Men Prostate

Surgery for erectile dysfunction

How to Fix a Penile Fracture

Prevent Kidney Stones

Testicular Torsion

Prostate Cancer

Finding it difficult to pee

Why do I pee so much

Urge vs Stress Incontinence

Back pain

Curved Erection

Difficulties with Erection

Low Testosterone

Enlarge Prostate

Xiaflex for Penile Curvature


Urocuff for BPH

Robotic Removal of Prostate Cancer

Bladder Botox for Incontinence

Hydrocele Surgery


Prostate Cancer